Make our show grounds your showroom on August 10 and 11, 2024.
Our 2024 show planning is under way. As in 2023, we hope to see up to as many as 4,000 to 5,000 spectators over the two-day event.
Our attendees may not come to the show intent on buying a new car, but they’re relaxed and don’t necessarily feel the pressure of an auto showroom. It’s a chance for you to stimulate all their senses as they look over your latest models.
For one of our show-grounds dealers in 2016, a simple greeting under a dealer tent on Sunday resulted in the purchase of a $70,000 automobile the following week.
People who come to see antique and classic cars can’t pass up a chance to experience the styling, technology, and comfort of the newest models.
We have several Dealership packages that can give you a modest presence or allow you to dominate the field.
So shine up some of your latest models and bring them to New Hope on August 10th and 11th of 2024.
For more information, call 215-862-5665 or email us at swilliams@newhopeautoshow.com.